
The Blog Post #1 .png

For years, I have had a hidden desire to write about issues surrounding personal development and growth; basically strategies on how to own your strengths and be your best self in all that you do. It is a passion that I have always had which is why I pursued a career in counseling, therapy and coaching.

I also noticed that, as my own journey into the world of personal development has evolved, I’ve found myself getting increasingly interested in all aspects of the personal development space - from leadership, behavioral management and emotional intelligence to productivity and performance psychology. All have informed my professional practice.

Over the past several years, the relationships that I have built with my clients have been incredibly rewarding, and empowering. Each day the meetings I have with my clients truly inspire and motivate my practice, as they are focused, purposeful individuals possessing great emotional strength and dedication.

In the course of my practice clients have often asked where they could read and learn more about the tools I teach. Never fancying myself a writer, I simply settled on bringing as much value as I could to the face to face interactions I was having in our weekly sessions. Unfortunately, I slowly learned that there is but so much I could accomplish or teach in an average session, and that the daily challenges of my clients' lives demanded resources they could access outside of my office as they encountered challenges happening in their daily work/life.

It also came to my attention that working with clients one on one was simply not enough. In our new socially driven world, where information is digested daily, more informed and credible thought leadership is demanded to share with the world. Personally, I wanted to be a part of that world, to not just share what I know, but honor my clients and peers who have taught me so much about owning your strengths and living your best everyday. My plan is make this blog a place where I can share insights, observations and tools that address common issues related to the human struggle of emotional living and the daily leadership challenges arising in the ever changing world of work/life.

As someone who has served in the mental health and coaching community for years, this blog will exist as a natural extension of what I already do; HELP PEOPLE.

Consider this site my personal classroom where I can interact with peers, clients, and friends in a real human way, that transcends boundaries of status or ego. With your help, I hope to create conversations about topics and life tools that are profound, value based and sometimes offbeat, but always honest and never cut and dry.

Here are the kinds of things you can expect to find:

• Candid and practical advice for leaders across industries and levels of the organization
• Reactions to current events through the leadership lens
• Observations from the field about emerging trends and research
• Debate-worthy questions and assertions
• Reviews of topical real world subject matter

That should be enough to get us started. Please check in and chime in regularly!